Saturday, February 23, 2019

Mint Chip slime recipe

  • white glue (preferably Elmers)
  • green acrylic paint
  • shaving foam
  • borax
  • water
  • 2 bowls
  • something to stir with
  • straw or popsicle stick 
  • brown beads
  • peppermint scent (optional)


               First, fill one of your bowls with water and add in borax. Mix until all of the borax has dissolved. Next, pour your white glue into a different bowl. Then using a straw or popsicle stick and in your acrylic paint. Add in scent. After that add in as much shaving foam as desired. Do not add too much though, because the slime will become chunky and gross. Then slowly add in the borax mixture a little bit at a time. Once it has started to form a slime consistency take it out of the bowl and start kneading it. You do however want the slime to be slightly sticky so that it can cling on to the beads later. Now you can start to knead the brown beads into the slime. Play with it until you are satisfied with the texture and enjoy your mint chip slime!
good qualities
  • great for bubble pops
  • good for poking
  • amazing texture
  • nice consistency for swirls
  • satisfying!!!

JoAnn Crohn: 3 stars because the beads fall out